Published inAnalytics VidhyaBuilding An NHL Game Prediction Model, Part 1For my data science capstone project at Flatiron School, I built an NHL Game Prediction model. Over my next couple blog posts I am going…Jun 18, 202131Jun 18, 202131
Why Cloud Computing is Important For BusinessWhat job-seeking data professionals can do about itApr 11, 2021252Apr 11, 2021252
Best Practices For Your Machine Learning Workflow in Scikit-learnBest practices for your machine learning model building workflowMar 30, 2021305Mar 30, 2021305
What NHL Teams Are Under or Over Performing?Former NFL coach Bill Parcells once wisely said — “you are what your record says you are”. Ultimately this is true. By the end of the NHL…Mar 19, 2021255Mar 19, 2021255
Scraping Data Tables from Natural Stat Trick Using Beautiful SoupHow to scrape data from tables on the website Natural Stat Trick.Mar 6, 2021130Mar 6, 2021130